I should've called it early in the ride and gone back to the truck cause my legs didn't feel good and I wasn't really into it. It wasn't bad, and I wasn't begging for mercy; just didn't feel really good. HR was either too low for the effort or too high - never spot on like it had been on the lunch ride.
I ate an Aussie bite at home before we left, and took a shot of gel in the truck. Somehow, yet again, I managed to bonk mid-ride. The kicker is we only did 43 minutes of riding total. So, yeah, I bonked on an easy flat-ish ride after like 25 minutes of riding.
Have no fear; I brought a Snickers as an extra snack today. My goal for the next week? Gain 3lbs and see if I can stop bonking, while not eating too unhealthy. FWIW, I probably won't eat the Snickers. I also brought an EAS carb bar and a Luna Bar. I'm only going to eat one if I'm actually hungry.
Sorry for the blur, but I liked the jersey shot better
Soo green
So, we're headed back to the truck, and after some fun twisty descending I'm feeling okay. I go to attack a super short rocky little ascent and I managed to half endo and slam my knee into a big rock. Ouch. Something's gotta give.
Okay, cycling cap issue... anyone else have problems with scanning the trail ahead visibility with one on? Am I doing it wrong? It's affecting my descending a bit, and I found it tough to keep my head up on the road bike yesterday. I'm DIGGIN' the extra shade cover on my nose (which despite wearing SPF 50 everyday is getting more and more red from the sun every day), but I don't want it to affect my descending on the bike like it has been. Advice?
i actually pull mine back a bit to clear the field of vision on the MTB. it doesn't work as well from a shade standpoint but i just mainly use the cap as an extra insulator on the cold days.
Flip the bill UP when you're desending?
I don't even like a visor for that reason. I hate losing visability.
Nice shot of green stuff. We may have nice weather, but nothing is even clost to green yet. Makes me long for summer.
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